Ashtons have teamed up with John Lewis in Welwyn to offer you a FREE Home Design consultation, and 10% off when you spend £500 or over.
With nearly 200 lettings regulations in the rental sector, our expert team ensures landlords stay compliant, legal and safe.
The new Renters' Rights Bill introduces significant positive changes for landlords, enhanced responsibilities and strengthened tenant protections.
Even in the St Albans premium rental market, Ashtons can provide a variety of competitively priced properties to suit every budget.
We delve in to the topics likely to affect landlords as the UK gears up for a general election later this year.
The Renters Reform Bill is designed with a primary objective to address issues related to rogue landlords, safeguard vulnerable residents, and enhance the safety standards of homes for tenants.
One significant recent development is the Government's change of heart regarding its earlier commitment to raise Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards to an EPC C in the private rented sector.
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Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, rent or let, we would love to help.
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Manage everything related to your tenancy through our easy to use lettings portal.
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